• Our custodial staff is another important part of the innerworkings that leads to our success as a middle school.  The staff is headed by Steve Graf, who believes that it is his staff's job to help this school run smoothly.  His staff's beliefs are listed below.

    There are many different titles used for the job of maintaining a school site, buildings, and furnishings. The people in this field may be called building services personnel, janitors, or the cleaning crew. The proper name is custodian. They have “custody” of the school. That is they are responsible for the upkeep of the school. The school custodian plays a vital role in every school facility. A good custodian not only performs their job well, but also thinks about how these duties interact with all other activities in the school. Good custodial care is a necessary part of achieving the main school mission---that of educating students. Custodians support this mission in many ways:


    1.     Caring for a large taxpayer investment, in the school and equipment.

    2.     Keeping costs of building care down by increasing economy and effectiveness of care.

    3.     Maintaining a safe, healthy learning environment.

    4.     Promoting pride in the school, in people of the school and community.

    5.      Increasing the professional reputation of all custodians by showing responsibility and competence

Last Modified on April 20, 2012