- North Forsyth High
- Overview of AP Program
Advanced Studies: AP & Gifted
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Advanced PlacementAdvanced Placement classes have content that is both rigorous and challenging. These courses are taught at the college level and must meet certain criteria outlined on the College Board’s Advanced Placement website (www.collegeboard.com/apcentral). Based on their performance on the rigorous exams in each course administered in May and based on the policies of each college, it is possible for students to obtain college placement exemptions or college credit. Course descriptions and course requirements are outlined on the College Board website. Forsyth County requires its AP teachers to complete training through the College Board for the AP course(s) that they teach. This intensive training prepares them to teach the skills and concepts required in the subject area AP curriculum. Advanced Placement offerings are contingent upon sufficient enrollment of interested, self-disciplined, and self-motivated students who are willing to commit to considerable out-of-class preparation. Certain AP courses require prerequisites courses. Questions about content within a specific class are best directed to the teacher of that class.The AP program provides an opportunity for high school students to take college-level curriculum classes. We encourage students to take the examinations in May in order to earn college credit.To view a complete listing of AP Course descriptions, please access AP Central.
A Search Engine to Research University Credit Policies for AP:
https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/creditandplacement/search-credit-policiesAP EXAM REGISTRATION FOR VIRTUAL COURSES
Please note that you must register for AP exams at your BASE HIGH SCHOOL. Forsyth Virtual is not a college board testing site.
Please follow these directions for registration:
In total registration:
~For online choose “Independent Study” for your teacher.
~ Go to the Total Registration home page after registering
~Select “Student Account History”
~ Find the Join Code for your independent study or online course. This is an “Exam Only” join code.
~ If you are taking a year long online AP course look for “ONLINE Year Long” Section. This is an “Exam Only” section.
~ If you are taking a SECOND semester only AP Course, look for “ONLINe-2 nd Sem Only”
In AP platform:
~ Students MUST keep up with their CB account login information.
~Base school does not have access to student accounts.
~Use the “Exam Only” join code you located in Total Registration to register for your exam(s) at your base school
~ Under “Order Exam? select “Yes.” This step ensures your exam is ordered and exam labels are shipped for your exams.
~ Students MUST indicate in each AP course on the College Board website whether they will take the exam in May or elect not to take particular exam(s).
~ Each account is defaulted to “Undecided,” therefore students must select “yes” or “no” for their intent to take the AP exam. All the steps above must be completed and exams paid in full, before any of the student’s AP Exams will be ordered.
For questions, please contact the NFHS AP Testing Coordinator, Angela Hurt - ahurt@forsyth.k12.ga.us