• Welcome to DeSana's Science Department!

    Our DeSana Science program is vibrant and engaging. Our dedicated science teachers employ a variety of teaching techniques and online interactive tools, including Gizmos, Legends of Learning, and PhET Simulations. Throughout our science classes, we incorporate hands-on labs, demonstrations, research projects, and collaborative activities. This year, we are emphasizing the lab writing process, guiding students on how to effectively document and analyze their experiments. Each grade level concentrates on a specific branch of science, ensuring a comprehensive and focused learning experience for all students.

    DeSana’s 6th graders focus on Earth Science. First, we will look far beyond our world through the study of astronomy. Then we will take a look at our ever changing planet through the study of geology, hydrology, and meteorology. To see a list of the sixth grade Georgia Standards, click here (6th Grade Standards).

    DeSana’s 7th graders will explore life science. The units start with smaller concepts and get progressively larger. We will explore: Safety in the science lab, Classification of Organisms, Cells and Cell Processes, Human Body Systems, Genetics, Change Over Time, and Ecology.  Students will also have the opportunity to dissect a frog which is always an exciting event! (7th Grade Standards) 

    DeSana’s 8th graders take the high school credit physical science course. This course covers chemistry in the fall and physics in the spring. Chemistry covers such topics as elements and the periodic table, matter and bonding, chemical and nuclear reactions, solubility, acids and bases, and gas laws. In physics, students will explore energy, waves, electricity, magnetism, forces, motion, work, and simple machines. (Georgia Standards - Physical Science)

    DeSana's Advanced Students will participate in the Science Fair. We use a scaffolded approach to teach the students about the process. Students in 8th grade will have the opportunity to compete. All students will participate in the school fair at the end of the school year. 

    Questions? Email Mrs. West  mwest@forsyth.k12.ga.us
    Science Department Chair Contact:
    Michelle West