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World Languages Department 2019-2020
❝If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.❞
‒Nelson MandelaBONJOUR, HALLO, SALVETE, HOLA, Welcome to Denmark High School's World Languages Department. We are extremely excited to help all Danes realize the importance of learning a new language in order to become engaged citizens in today’s globally competitive world by helping them achieve higher levels of proficiency in their chosen language(s) of study.
We offer French and Spanish. Our modern languages curricula are centered on overarching themes from the Advanced Placement and ACTFL’s Keys to planning curricula, including Personal and Public Identities, Families and Communities, Contemporary Life, Beauty and Aesthetics, Science and Technology, and Global Challenges. Click here for national standards for world languages.
Through the study of languages, we hope to help our students experience and build on the connections between world languages, world cultures and other academic areas of study. To develop cultural understandings and connections that will enable them to be global citizens, enriching their lives and the lives of others. To interact and collaborate with the global community and develop a life-long love of learning languages.
All of our teachers are available for extra by appointment. Please contact your teacher to set up a time during Dane Time, before school or after school.
All course syllabi and daily assignments can be accessed through the Canvas platform.
If you speak another language and would like to receive High School credit, you can take the proficiency exam. Talk to your counselor to sign up for the next available test date. Click here to see a sample proficiency test and the languages in which it is offered.
World Language students have an opportunity to earn two different seals through the Georgia Department of Education. The Seal of Biliteracy and the International Skills Diploma Seal.