    Things we will learn in 2nd Grade

    Reading and Language Arts

    During second grade, students gain more skills in reading, writing, and listening. They continue to learn and practice rules for decoding words, and they learn new concepts that help them figure out the meanings of new words. We encourage a lot of reading in our classrooms.  For second grade students, writing is an exciting way to use new words to express ideas. Students learn how to write clearly and revise what they write. They become more confident speakers and listeners as they learn to paraphrase, clarify, explain, and report on information they hear.  The students will participate in guided reading, writing and author’s chair, working with words, and self-selected reading.    



    Second grade students learn more about whole numbers and how they work together. As they understand more about arithmetic operations (such as addition and subtraction), children find more flexible ways of thinking about problems and how to solve them. We will be developing concepts in geometry, number sense and operations, patterns, functions, algebra, measurement, data analysis, and processing skills.  Our students will learn these skills through the Georgia Math Frameworks. We will integrate the various concepts in other curriculum areas where ever possible.  Our math program is very engaging and the students often use manipulatives and games to help them understand the content more concretely. 


    Social Studies

    Our main focus in Social Studies will be on our state Georgia. In second grade, the various social studies strands become more woven around the historical strand. The history strand focuses on important historical figures in Georgia and the Creek and Cherokee cultures in Georgia. The geography strand emphasizes the geography of Georgia and relates that to the historical study. In addition to the positive character traits of the individuals and groups in the historical strand, the basic concept of government is also introduced. Basic economic concepts continue to be introduced and are related to the historical strand.



    In science this year, your child will have the opportunity to learn through hands-on experiences with the following science themes:  Life cycles, plants, matter, energy, forces and motions, and astronomy.

Last Modified on June 1, 2017