• Otwell Middle School Counseling Program


    Mission:  Our mission is to support the school’s unrelenting quest to foster and celebrate a collaborative learning community through positive relationships and authentic learning. Emphasis will be placed in the areas of academic, personal, social, and career development so that they can be empowered to find their passions and place in the world. There will be a focus on continuous learning, creative and critical thinking, and community engagement while enhancing personal qualities and collaborative interactions.

    The counselors at Otwell Middle School believe:

    Ø  All students have dignity and worth and should be respected.

    Ø  All students have the right to participate in the school counseling program and to have access to a certified school counselor.

    Ø  All students’ diversities, whether they are ethnicity, culture, race, socioeconomic, or special needs, are to be considered when planning and implementing the school counseling program.

    Ø  All students should have an opportunity to develop connections with students, staff or community members through participation in the counseling programs or other school activities.


    The Otwell Middle School Counseling Program should:

    Ø  Be planned and coordinated by a certified school counselor in collaboration with other educators, parents and/or guardians, and the community.

    Ø  Actively engage students in classroom, group, and individual activities.

    Ø  Provide academic, career, personal and social development for all students.

    Ø  Use data to drive the program development and evaluation, and actively monitor students’ results.


    The school counselors should:

    Ø  Abide by the professional ethics of guidance and counseling as advocated by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA).

    Ø  Participate regularly in professional development in order to maintain a high quality school counseling program.