- Riverwatch Middle
- Health
Health Department
We encourage communication with our community, so please do not hesitate to contact us about any questions or concerns you may have. We are very excited about Health this year. We have an Informative curriculum to teach and hope to prepare each and every student for a bright healthy future.
6TH GRADEToo Good For Drugs:
Choosing the Best:Deciding on Your FutureFiguring out Friendships and RelationshipsRelationshipsIdentifying the RisksChoosing the Best WayLearning to say “No”Avoiding Unhealthy Relationships
7TH GRADEToo Good For Drugs:
Choosing the Best:Sex: Everybody is Talking About it The Risk of STDs and HIV/AIDS
Teen Pregnancy and “Safe Sex”Pressures to be Sexually ActiveChoosing the Best PathSet it! The Need for BoundariesSay it! The Need to Speak UpShow it! The Need to be Assertive8th GRADEToo Good For Drugs:
Choosing the Best:Sex, Emotions, and Self RespectSex, Alcohol, and RespectSex, STDs, and HonestySex, HIV/AIDS, and CompassionSex, Love, and ChoicesSex, Limits, and Self Discipline