- Vickery Creek Middle
- Drama Club
Drama Club Trailer
August 29th: Scene 2 Everyone is in scenes: 1, 3, 7, 9
September 3: Scene 3 Scenes breakdown
September 5: Scene 4
September 10: Scene 5
September 12: Scene 6
September 17: Scene 7
September 19: Scene 8, 9
Letter to Parents
First Rehearsal: Tuesday, August 20th, after school.
Pick up 6:30 at the car rider line.
Please be on time!
Almost 50 kids auditioned for 8 main roles and 10 solo performances.
Everyone else will be part of a "Glee Club" (background singers) or kids group (ensemble).
If you think that this is not for you, and you'll be too bored during rehearsals, please let me know, and you can always audition for a role in the spring play.
Drama club meets every Tuesday rehearsals will be added in October and November. There is one Friday rehearsal on November 8th. The week of November 11th,
we have dress rehearsals and performances every day at
WFHS auditorium 5:30 - 8:30.
Please review the rehearsal calendar before you audition!
Students are required to attend ALL rehearsals.
VCMS Drama Club
A novel idea Happiness Book Fairy What's inside Crook's life What was that?
Tell us We have to help Goodbye In a book
A novel idea Happiness Book fairy What's inside Crook's life What was that
Tell us We have to help Goodbye In a book
Up on the fridge Up on the fridge Hola Lola
Aphrodite Dear Edwina Put it in the piggy
Say No Thank You Hear comes a letter Thanks for coming
Abigail Aphrodite Scott/Edwina
Frankenguest Say no thank you Sing your own song
Put it in the Piggy Frankenguest
Sing Your Own Song/Edwina Here Come More Letters Ziggy
Carrie Hola Lola Fork Knife Spoon