• Scholarships

    It's not too early to start looking for FREE money for college! Did you know...
    • Scholarships can cover tuition, room and board, books, meal plan, and living expenses.
    • Unlike student loans, you do NOT have to pay back scholarships or grants.
    • There is NO LIMIT to the amount of money you can apply for!
  • Local Scholarships


    This is a list of scholarships that were offered in the 23-24 school year. As a result, some of the deadline dates are not correct. As soon as we receive the dates for the 24-25 school year, we will update the information. Thank you and let us know if you have any questions!
    Scholarship Databases
    While your counselors at FCHS work hard to find scholarships that may appeal to our students, there is no way that we can collect every single scholarship out there. Students can use the links below to search for scholarships on their own.
    DISCLAIMER: These are external websites and are in no way affiliated with FCHS. They are provided simply for information. Students and parents are encouraged to use their discretion when applying for these scholarships through external websites.  






                                   Top 12 Hints for the Scholarship Process

    • Spell check and grammar check are your best friends! NEVER send out an application without proofreading it thoroughly.
    • Complete your Senior Profile NOW and provide a copy to your counselor and any teacher you request a recommendation from- Please remember to provide at least 2 weeks notice when you need a recommendation.
    • Students tend to avoid scholarship applications that require an essay. That is less competition for you!  Apply for any you qualify for.
    • Start searching for scholarships NOW using the “Scholarship Links” as well as the “Other Scholarship Resources”.
    • Avoid any scholarships that ask for a fee to apply. Chances are they are not legitimate.
    • Check out the Financial Aid websites for the colleges you are applying to for scholarship opportunities.
    • Students tend to avoid applying for smaller scholarships. Those small ones add up quickly!  Apply for those too.
    • BRAG about yourself! Now is the time to tell others what makes you special and unique.  This is true for scholarship and college applications.  They want to know what areas you truly love and what you excel in.  Providing lots of information about the activities, jobs, sports and community service you have been involved in is always a positive!  Make them remember you. 
    • Organize yourself! This is also true for scholarship and college applications.  Make sure you know what the deadlines are for both and ALWAYS submit applications well before the due date.
    • Keep copies of everything you e-mail or mail out.  Chances are you will need that information for another application so it will save you time. 
    • Some scholarships require the scholarship recipient apply for Federal Student Aid, it is recommended that applicants complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Get in-depth information on federal student aid programs and applying for financial aid at studentaid.gov 
    • Students have two options when applying for the HOPE or Zell Miller Scholarship
      • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): studentaid.gov
      • Complete the online Georgia Student Finance Application (GSFAPPS) which is available on the gafutures.org website.

    Note: The FAFSA must be completed each year that a student is in college.