• Welcome to Marketing Education!
    Contact Information:

    Lisa Cline - lcline@forsyth.k12.ga.us

    Katie Jenkins - katiejenkins@forsyth.k12.ga.us

     Courses Offered

    Marketing Pathways



    Marketing & Management


    Marketing Communications and Promotions

    1st Course

    No Prerequisite

    Marketing Principles


    Marketing Principles


    2nd Course

    Marketing & Entrepreneurship


    Promotional & Digital Marketing


    3rd Course

    Marketing Management 

    Integrated Marketing Communications


    Additional Course

    Instructor Approval


    Directed Study/Internships -  Raider Station & Raider Valley Promotions

    Directed Study/Internships - Raider Station & Raider Valley Promotions 


    All courses require extensive communication skills including speaking and writing. 

    Courses are taught using extensive project based learning.

    Application and instructor approval is REQUIRED for Raider Station & Raider Valley Promotions  

Last Modified on July 26, 2024