• "Y" Club 

    The "Y" Club of North Forsyth High School is a service club that focuses on promoting Christian values in the home, school, and community.  Our "Y" Club is affiliated with the State YMCA of Georgia, which has been serving youth and their families in our state for over 50 years.  The club is open to all students, and students may join anytime during the school year.   

    "Y" Club events are announced at meetings, posted on social media, and broadcast on school announcements.  Members also receive periodic emails containing club information.  Regular club meetings are held the last Thursday morning of the month.


    What do we do in "Y" Club?

    *   meet each month and plan our two monthly service projects - one for our community and one for our school - and to have a program that's inspiring and fun 

    *  attend a state conference in November called Youth Assembly At Youth Assembly, we'll learn about law making by actually walking through the process.  We prepare for the conference by writing bills, then when we are at the State Capitol, we'll debate those bills in committee and hope they'll make it to the floor for the consideration of the Georgia Youth General Assembly. 
    *  focus on being active in ways that benefit our school and community

    I'm ready to join!  What do I need to do?
    Pick up a membership application posted in the hallways, from room 881, or print one here (membership application).  Bring your completed application and club dues ($30) to Mrs. Burruss in Room 881 and you are set!  Added bonus - you get a free t-shirt!!

    I'm a member, now what?
    Regular club meetings will be the last Thursday of each month at 7:34 in room 881.  In addition to school announcements, members will receive email and Remind 101 messages about upcoming projects. 
Last Modified on August 4, 2017