

    Please DO NOT send your children to school if they are exhibiting signs of illness.


    SFHS Health Clinic


    Feel free to reach out to us at anytime. We welcome your input in helping your student be their healthiest self.


    Healthy children are successful learners. The school nurses have a multi-faceted role within the school setting, one that supports the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of students and their success in the learning process.

    The School Nurses: 

    • provide direct health care for students and staff,
    • provide leadership for the provision of health services,
    • provide screening and referral for health conditions,
    • promote a healthy school environment,
    • promote health,
    • serve in a leadership role for health policies and programs, and
    • serve as a liaison between school personnel, family, community, and health care providers.

    The School Nurse and the Health Services program for Forsyth County Schools advances the well-being, academic success, and life-long achievement of students. To that end, school nurses facilitate positive student responses to normal development; promote health and safety; intervene with actual and potential health problems; provide case management services; and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-advocacy, and learning.


    Kelly Ceniceros, RN
    Kelly Ceniceros, BSN, RN
    Ph: 770-781-2264 ext. 100701
    Fax: 770-887-1132

    Clinic Hours 8:00-4:00 

    Alee Brown, BSN, RN
    Ph: 770-781-2264 ext. 100701
    Fax: 770-887-1132

    Clinic Hours 8:00-4:00