- Lambert High
- Attendance
Lambert High School Attendance
lhsattendance@forsyth.k12.ga.usFax: 678-965-5051
Phone: 678-965-5050 ext. 411055
FCS Attendance Policy: https://ga01000373.schoolwires.net/page/688
Please forward attendance / check-in / check-out information for your student to the attendance office using the above email. Parent or medical notes can be sent in with your student, delivered in person, faxed, or emailed. NO checkouts or excused absences by phone.
- Please include: student first and last name, student ID number, grade, date(s) of absence(s), and reason.
- Notes must be emailed to lhsattendance@forsyth.k12.ga.us, submitted in writing to the Attendance Office, or sent by fax to 770-965-5051 within five (5) school days of absence to be excused. Updates to attendance will be reflected in the system within 5 school days of when the note is received.
- Student written notes are not accepted.
- After 10 absences without a medical note being submitted, a medical note will be required to excuse an absence. If the student has a combination of 10 check-ins and/or check-outs without medical notes, medical notes will be required to excuse an absence.
Student Check-In:
- Students are to be in class at 8:25 AM
- If arriving after 8:25 AM students are tardy and should report directly to the Attendance Office to check in and receive a pass to class.
- Students may check themselves in without a parent/guardian.
Student Check-Out:
- No check-outs after 3:15PM. Please plan to have your child picked up before this time.
- Lambert High School (LHS) does not use the pick-up list from your student’s card from middle school. We go strictly by the information in Parent Portal. LHS will not release any student to someone who is not on their approved pick-up list. To update this list, log in to Parent Portal and select the Demographics tab where you can add approved adults. You will need to do this for each student you have at Lambert High School. If you need help with your Parent Portal login, visit: https://campus.forsyth.k12.ga.us/campus/portal/forsyth.jsp
- When checking a student out, you will need to provide the student ID number and your picture ID. (Tip: store your student’s ID number on your phone.)
- If it is necessary for your student to check-out early due to illness, they must see the school nurse first. Nurse Surio may require that their parent or guardian provide approval prior to the student leaving school premises or it may be necessary for the student to be picked up.
- Check-out requests via email are only for students who drive to school. Parent/guardian must send an email to the Attendance Office first thing in the morning on the day of check-out. Please include: student’s full name, student ID number, grade, date, time, reason, parent/guardian contact number. Email must originate from the parent/guardian email in Parent Portal. We will always call the number on file to confirm the check-out. We require at least one hour prior to the student’s check out time. Students who do not check-out with the attendance office before leaving campus will be considered skipping.
**Lunches, sports equipment, homework, cellphones or deliveries (unless it is prescription medicine) will not be accepted.**
Driver’s License/Learner’s Permit -
Certificates of School Enrollment & ADAP CertificatesStudents are required to have a Certificate of School Enrollment completed by the school before they can get a learner's permit or a driver's license. They are also required to have an ADAP (Alcohol & Drug Awareness) Certificate to obtain a driver’s license. These forms are not available in electronic copy; they must be picked up in the Attendance Office.
Certificate of School Enrollment
Students can pick up a form in the Attendance Office. They should fill out the top portion and give it back to the Attendance Office. The office will then check the student’s enrollment for the previous year and fill out the school’s portion of the certificate. It should be ready for the student to pick up within 48 hours. Certificates of School Enrollment cannot be faxed or emailed.ADAP (Alcohol & Drug Awareness) Certificate
If your student took Health in person at Lambert High School, this form can be requested when you request the Certificate of School Enrollment. If your student took Health online through GAVS or FVA, Lambert does NOT have access to their ADAP Certificate. They will need to go to the DDS website at https://online.dds.ga.gov/eADAP/StudentCertificate.aspx to obtain this document. For questions, contact the DDS directly or GAVS/FVA for assistance. Lambert is unable to provide any assistance for certificates through online courses. ADAP Certificates cannot be faxed or emailed.College Visits
Juniors and seniors may visit colleges during the school year for no more than 4 days per year. The student must bring documentation from the school indicating that the student visited the school. College visitations will be considered field trips as long as the student provides documentation.