High School Course Digest
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- College & Career Development (CTAE)
- Dual Enrollment
- English
- Fine Arts
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Mathematics
- PE and Health
- Science
- Social Studies
- Special Education
- World Languages
- College & Career Readiness Guide
- Course Waiver Request Guidelines
- High School Graduation Requirements
2024-25 Course DigestForsyth County Schools is home to eight outstanding high schools. As you read the 2024-25 Course Digest and study the course descriptions (linked by content area on the left side of this page), you will see course sequences, grade level recommendations, and prerequisites. Teachers and counselors have provided this information based on the academic success students have experienced in those content areas. This information can assist you in making decisions that will aid your child in achieving academic success.Update to Self-Pay Course Credits (Starting Summer 2025)
Forsyth County Schools is implementing updates for Self-Pay Course Credits starting Summer 2025. These changes will apply to current freshmen (Class of 2028) and all following cohorts.
These changes are designed to better align with state and district standards while supporting our students' academic success and overall well-being. Click on the links below for details. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's school. Additional details will be shared at high school registration events and information nights.
FCS Self-Pay Course Credit Changes Summary
FCS Self-Pay Course Frequently Asked Questions
Participation in Graduation Ceremonies:
- Students must meet all Forsyth County Schools' requirements for graduation, certificate of attendance, or transition diploma prior to participation in a graduation ceremony.
- Students must be enrolled in a Forsyth County high school during the school year if they plan to participate in a graduation ceremony.
- Students who complete graduation requirements and are no longer active enrollees will be offered an individual diploma presentation at each school site.
GAfutures, HOPE, and Georgia Virtual School
It is always best to contact your school counselor for specific questions about your academic planning and when considering enrolling in online courses; however, you can visit these websites for general information.- For information related to HOPE Scholarship, HOPE GPA, Academic Planning for College, and Academic Rigor visit https://www.gafutures.org/.
- For information about online courses offered through Georgia Virtual visit www.gavirtualschool.org
Course Registration Procedures
Fall registration is completed during the preceding spring, at which time all students meet with their advisors to select courses. Registration proceeds as follows:
Registration information is discussed in student advisement, and subject selection sheets are distributed.
Academic Advisement
Students may discuss with their counselor, advisor, teachers, or parents/guardians course selections based on academic performance, future goals, and graduation requirements.
Schedule Changes and Course Offerings
Student-initiated schedule changes for 2024-25 will be completed by the end of the first full week of school. After this time, no schedule changes will be made. Schedule changes made during the initial days of the new school year are based on the following criteria ONLY: (a) student has an empty period in his/her schedule; (b)student has received credit for the course listed; (c) student has not met the pre-requisite; (d) student needs specific course to meet graduation requirements; (e) administration adjusts class sizes.Only those courses for which there is adequate enrollment and/or faculty will be offered in the upcoming school year. Courses, numbers of sections, and staff assignments are determined on the basis of need; it is imperative, therefore, that students determine which courses are required for graduation. Each high school reserves the right to cancel, without prior notification, any course listed in this guide and/or rearrange any prescribed course sequence, and make schedule changes for the purpose of leveling class size.Special Programs
Special Education
In-County: In order to receive Special Education services, students must meet Georgia eligibility requirements. Each disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) has specific criteria that must be met for eligibility. Once a student is determined to be eligible under IDEA, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is created and Special Education services begin. Student IEPs transfer from other schools in Forsyth County.
Out-of-County: In order to receive Special Education services, parents and/or guardians should contact the Forsyth County Special Education Department. Parents of the transferring student must provide a current IEP or sign a release of records form so that the high school may obtain current information. To determine appropriate services, all records will be reviewed by FCS Special Education personnel and an IEP committee.
English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)English to Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) provides opportunities to acquire proficiency in English while continuing to learn content-specific skills. Students who are eligible for ESOL services work with their counselor and ESOL service providers to identify courses to meet their English language acquisition needs. Please contact the Coordinator of Academic Services for more information.
International Students
The Transition Services Office, located in the Almon C. Hill Center, at 136 Elm Street, Cumming, GA 30040 (678-947-0274) provides initial assessment services for international high school students. The Hill Center also reviews international student transcripts and advises on course placement.
Gifted and Talented
Any student who is currently enrolled in the gifted program in a Forsyth County school is eligible for gifted services. Any student who is in a gifted program from another Georgia school is eligible as soon as the high school receives the appropriate documentation from the student’s former Georgia school. Any student who was in a gifted program from another state must be evaluated and possibly tested for Georgia Gifted eligibility. Please contact the Coordinator of Academic Services for more information.
Advanced Courses and College Credit
Advanced Placement (AP)
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are postsecondary-level classes that are provided at high school in the course of a regular school day. Many colleges and universities award either course credit or possibly exemption from certain required coursework. Not all post-secondary institutions honor AP exam credit, however, each college or university has its own standards by which it weights AP coursework taken in high school. Students are advised to check with the respective institution for details on its AP course and exam policies. AP examinations are conducted in May of each year, and students who take AP exams are responsible for paying AP examination fees. Unless the Georgia State legislature provides funding.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Forsyth County Schools' IB program is located on the campus of South Forsyth High School and is open to all Forsyth County high school-age students. The IB program begins in 11th grade and continues in 12th grade. The program incorporates a rigorous curriculum that provides perhaps the most thorough preparation for university-level study available. IB teachers strive for a shared academic experience emphasizing critical thinking and exposure to a variety of viewpoints that fosters tolerance and intercultural understanding among our students. To prepare for the IB program, students are strongly encouraged to begin taking appropriate coursework in the ninth grade. For more information visit the South Forsyth HS IB page.
Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment is for students at eligible high schools that wish to take college-level coursework for credit toward both high school and college graduation requirements. Georgia’s dual enrollment program is available to any Georgia student in grades 9-12 enrolled in a public school, private school, or home-study program operated pursuant to O.C.G.A. 20-2-690 in Georgia. Students must apply and be accepted to a participating postsecondary institution. For more information on dual enrollment visit GAfutures and FCS Dual Enrollment.
Career, Technical and Agriculture Education (CTAE) Pathways
Career Pathways are state-approved career enhancement programs defined as a coherent, articulated sequence of rigorous academic and career-related courses starting in the ninth grade and leading to an associate degree, and/or an industry-recognized certificate or licensure, and/or a baccalaureate degree and beyond. Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) provides students with the opportunity to select at least three sequenced courses in a career pathway. Georgia’s Career Clusters allow students to choose an area of interest in high school from the 17 clusters listed below. Students take classes tailored to their cluster, which helps them navigate their way to greater success – no matter what they choose to do after high school graduation. Each cluster will include multiple career pathways. The aim of the program is to show students the relevance of what they’re learning in the classroom, whether they want to attend a two-year college, a four-year university or go straight into the world of work. Students will begin to learn about potential careers in elementary and middle school so that they are ready to choose a pathway once they reach high school. Georgia’s initiative is based on the National Career Cluster Model.Pathway options for students:
- Career Pathways: A series of 3 or 4 specified courses are in a CTAE-approved pathway. Georgia’s 17 Career Cluster/Pathways provide a structure for organizing and delivering quality Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) programs. Modeled after the National Career Clusters configuration utilized by most of the United States, Georgia’s 17 Career Cluster/Pathways Model represents approximately 96 career pathways to help students navigate their way to greater success in college and careers. As an organizing tool for curriculum design and instruction, the 17 Career Clusters provide essential knowledge and skills for the student's career pathways.
- Advanced Academic Pathway: An Advanced Academic Pathway may be followed in any of these four content areas: ELA (English/Language Arts), mathematics, science, or social studies. A student has completed an Advanced Academic Pathway in ELA, mathematics, science, or social studies when the criteria described below have been met.
- Fine Arts Pathway: A Fine Arts Pathway may be followed in any of these areas of study: Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts. A student has completed a Fine Arts Pathway when three courses in one area of concentration, with at least one course being level 2 or higher, have been successfully completed.
- World Language Pathway: A World Language Pathway may be followed in any of the world language areas included in the state list of approved courses.
The selection of a pathway is based on self-awareness and the investigation of occupations plus related educational levels aligned with the pathway. Most high-demand, high-skilled, high-wage occupations in all concentrations still require education beyond high school.Using these pathways, students may plan their four-year high school program, select courses that provide appropriate preparation and instruction for their career area, and set goals for their post-secondary training. For more information, visit the FCS Career, Technical, and Agriculture Education (CTAE) page.