• Medication Policy

        All medication (prescription and non-prescription) must be delivered BY PARENT/GUARDIANto the clinic. No student will be allowed to bring medication to school or have in their possession, except with a physician's order for emergency situations only – and form signed by the physician, parent, student acknowledging responsibility for the medication carried. A back- up med is needed in the clinic also. Medication brought in bags or other unmarked containers will not be given. All medication must be in the original packaging or container, prescriptions must have current pharmacy label with administration directions that match physician written orders. No medication will be given without written instructions from the parent and/or physician. Do not bring medication that needs to be given only once a day or two/three times a daily unless MD specifically states during school day to be given. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school of any changes in pertinent data, new diagnosis, emergency contacts. A Request to Administer Medication form must be completed by the parent/guardian for medications. The bottom portion of the form is to be completed by the physician for ANY long-term medication (more than two weeks). The form must be brought to the school by the parent or faxed by the parent or physician. Due to the risk of Reye's Syndrome in children under 18, the school requires physician's signature in order to given any aspirin-containing medications including Aspirin, Pepto-Bismol, and Excedrin. NO COUGH DROPS requested for elementary age children due to the risk of choking. Please see Student Manual – pages 9 – 10 for further info.