• PE and Health Course Descriptions


    Explores the mental, physical, and social aspects of life and how each contributes to total health and well-being; emphasizes safety, nutrition, mental health, substance abuse prevention, disease prevention, environmental health, family life education, health careers, consumer health, and community health. Includes sex/AIDS education lessons based upon the Choosing the Best abstinence based sex education program.

    Personal Fitness

    Provides instruction in methods to attain a healthy level of physical fitness. Covers how to develop a lifetime fitness program based on a personal fitness assessment and stresses strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition and cardiovascular endurance. Includes fitness principles, nutrition, fad diets, weight control, stress management, adherence strategies and consumer information; promotes self-awareness and responsibility for fitness.

    Advanced Personal Fitness

    Provides advanced instruction to assist students in applying methods to attain a healthy level of physical fitness; implements a lifetime fitness program based on a personal fitness assessment focused on strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, and cardiovascular endurance; and includes fitness advanced instruction in principles and nutritional concepts introduced in Personal Fitness (36.05100).

     General Physical Education I, II, III, IV

    General Physical Education I focuses on any combination or variety of team sports, lifetime sports, track and field events, aquatics/water sports, outdoor education experiences, rhythmics/dance, recreational games, gymnastics, and self-defense.

    Provides basic methods to attain a healthy and active lifestyle. General Physical Education II, III, and IV enhance level-one, level-two and level-three skills in the activities from previous General Physical Education courses and further promotes methods to attain a healthy and active lifestyle.

    Introduction, Intermediate, and Advanced Team Sports

    Introduces skills, strategies and rules associated with team sports such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, softball, team handball and flag football. Intermediate Team Sports enhances skills and strategies in team sports such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, softball, team handball and flag football. Advanced Team Sports provides opportunities to officiate and to enhance skills in team sports strategies.

    Introduction, Intermediate, and Advanced Lifetime Sports

    The students will learn the terminology, rules and skills of various lifetime sports such as tennis, golf, badminton, and softball. Sportsmanship and safety are to be demonstrated. Intermediate Lifetime Sports enhances skills in lifetime sports such as bowling, golf, tennis, racquetball, baseball, badminton, roller skating and skiing. Advanced Lifetime Sports allows students the opportunity to refine skills and explore technical aspects of lifetime sports.

    Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Aerobic Dance

    Beginning Aerobic Dance provides opportunities to perform choreographic routines to music and to increase strength, cardiovascular and muscular endurance and flexibility. Includes fitness concepts for developing healthy lifetime habits. Intermediate Aerobic Dance offers continuation of activities covered in Beginning Aerobics course. Includes continuation of cardiovascular and muscular strength training through a regular exercise program of aerobic progression. Emphasizes individual development of fitness, diet and stress management. Advanced Aerobic Dance enhances strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, coordination and muscular endurance through aerobic dance. Emphasizes self-management and adherence strategies.

    Beginning and Advanced Physical Conditioning

    Beginning Physical Conditioning provides opportunities to participate in a variety of activities to enhance flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance and body composition. Includes fitness concepts for the development of healthy lifetime habits. Advanced Physical Conditioning Enhances cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance and body composition. Emphasizes self-management and adherence strategies.

    Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced Rhythmics and Dance

    Introduces level, range, force and focus in the exploration of space through music and dance; may include creative and expressive dance, folk and ethnic dance and square dance or experiences developing fitness and the ability to synchronize movement with musical structure. May include jump ropes, balls, sticks, streamers and bamboo poles. Intermediate and Advanced Rhythmics and Dance enhance the skill levels in the areas above.

    Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Track and Field

    Introduces the history, rules, and basic skills involved in the various track and field events: hurdles, shot-put, high jump, relays, javelin throw and long jump. Intermediate and Advanced Track and Field enhance the skill levels in various track and field events.

    Weight Training and Advanced Weight Training

    The student will participate in activities designed to improve his or her physical fitness. These will include activities in the areas of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance. Fitness testing will be included. The student will be shown lifts, safe spotting techniques and how to follow designed programs. Advanced coursework includes body sculpting and exercise/weight control. See the course prerequisites for the sequence of these courses.

    Body Sculpting and Advanced Body Sculpting

    Provides methods to redefine body shape through specific exercises. Covers weight training, conditioning exercises and proper nutrition to improve muscle tone, muscle definition, posture, bodily proportions, overall condition of the body and increase energy levels. Based on the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines for fitness and conditioning programs.

    Advanced Body Sculpting provides additional opportunities to redefine body shape through specific exercises. Covers weight training, conditioning exercises and proper nutrition to improve muscle tone, muscle definition, posture, bodily proportions, overall condition of the body and increase energy levels. Promotes healthy means to body sculpting goals.

    Introductory Outdoor Education

    Promotes an appreciation of the outdoors; provides physical activities and adventures in an outdoor laboratory. Covers camping, fishing, hiking, orienteering, backpacking, repelling, outdoor cooking, boating safety, hunter safety, riflery and archery.

    Principles of Athletic Training /Sports Medicine

    Introduces techniques to prevent, recognize, evaluate, manage, treat, and rehabilitate athletic injuries.

    Drivers Education

    This course requires application and approval

    Drivers Education is offered through a collaborative effort between the high schools and Forsyth County businesses. Through classroom instruction and use of driving simulators, students will complete the non-driving portion of the course during the school day. Actual driving instruction may be arranged with participating businesses at times other than during the school day, often for an additional fee. Please note that most auto insurance companies will not offer discounted premiums for classroom instruction alone.