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    Welcome to FCS Job Posting Board! 


    Job opportunities specifically available to high school students in the surrounding area are listed below by employment category. FCS job posting services are available to local employers, business, industry, government, and non-profit organizations for assistance in seeking qualified employees or interns. To apply, follow the application instructions included with each job posting or email this information to Valery Lowe at vlowe@forsyth.k12.ga.us.

    Student Resources


    Job Search for High School Students

    Resume Examples

    Cover Letters

     Letters of Reference


    Disclaimer: FCS Job Posting Board acts only as a posting service and makes no particular recommendations regarding employers or students applying for jobs. We make no representations or guarantees about positions listed by the employer, not do we make guarantees about students applying for these positions. FCS is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of off-campus employment. Due to the volume of jobs received by our office, we are unable to research each organization or person that lists a job with us, not are we able to research each student who applies for these positions. Administrators review all positions that are submitted for posting, and reserves the right to reject positions.