- Sharon Elementary
- Mission Statement and Philosophy
Mission Statement for
Sharon Elementary Counseling DepartmentThe mission of the school counseling department at Sharon Elementary School is to promote educational performance, providing all students with the opportunities to acquire the academic, career, personal and social competencies necessary to achieve quality learning and life-long success. The school counselor’s role is to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to educate beyond expectations.
Philosophical StatementofSharon Elementary Counseling Department
The counselors at Sharon Elementary School believe that:
All students have dignity and worth and have the right to be served by a comprehensive school counseling program.
All students have a capacity to learn and to be supported academically.
All students will be provided with a school counseling program that will be consistent with expected developmental stages of learning and differences in learning styles.
And that the Sharon Elementary School counseling program should:
Be planned and coordinated by state certified counselors in consultation with other representatives of the school and community.
Engage students in classroom, group, and or individual activities to enhance student learning.
Provide academic, career, personal and social development opportunities for every student.
Use data to drive the program development and evaluation; actively monitor student results.
And that all counselors at Sharon Elementary School:
Abide by professional school counseling ethics as advocated by the American School Counseling Association.
Shall participate in professional development essential to maintain a quality school counseling program.
And as part of the Sharon KNIGHT community the counselors shall model and support the Sharon Elementary School beliefs:
Keep our eyes on the goal
Never give up
Inspire one another
Greet challenges
Honor individual differences
Think (carefully, creatively, critically, continuously)
Show compassion