- Brookwood Elementary
- Volunteers
Confidentiality AgreementThere are federal and state laws that protect the privacy rights of students and families. In a school situation, there are many instances in which confidential information is discussed in order to better understand students and how we can help them. When working in the schools as a volunteer there may be times when this information is overheard. Our staff will make every effort to prevent this from happening; however, as a volunteer you must agree that if you do hear information, about a student or family you will not repeat this outside of the school. This will ensure the protection of our students’ interest and their families, thus creating a better environment for all.
Additionally, two laws govern special education confidentiality. FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), and IDEIA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act). Both of these regulations indicate that confidentiality must be maintained relative to special education students. Therefore, any written or verbal communication with anyone who does not have a right to know is in violation of these laws. A volunteer should not discuss a child’s disability, needs or personal information with any individual outside of the classroom instructor, building principal, or staff member. The volunteer should not carry any written or verbal statements outside of the school that would divulge the child’s disability. In essence, only those who work directly with the student are considered as those with a “need to know.”
If at any time these terms of confidentiality are violated by a volunteer, termination of volunteer services may occur.
Since you attended the Volunteer training at Brookwood last year you are asked to do the following this year:- Volunteer Training Slides
- Watch the Mandated Reporter Video - Mandated Reporter Video
- Review the Parent Volunteer Handbook
- Complete the "Classroom Confidentiality Agreement"
By completing the “Classroom Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement” , I am stating that I will not divulge information about any student or family to any person outside the school setting.