Club Sponsors: Mrs. Lydia Smoot   
    Club Overview: 
    NEHS is open to high school students who have demonstrated exceptional ability in such areas as literary analysis, media studies, composition, linguistic study, and creative writing, and who meet the requirements of membership as set forth in the NEHS Constitution.  
    Logging Hours 
    Digitally log your hours here.
    MEMBERSHIP for the 2021-22 year is closed.  
    Returning Members need to pay dues by Nov. 29.  
    Juniors & Seniors are invited to apply for membership in the fall of the school year.  The application with detailed information will be done via this Google Form, along with dues through 
    Club Meeting Time
    With the current county guidelines, meetings will be done virtually. Meetings are held monthly on a Tuesday morning at 7:40 AM:
    • Please check back with dates
    Club Activities or Events:
    Current Members are expected to complete community service hours for the year.  The tracker is digital and ALL concrete items (cans, books, etc.) are brought to Mrs. Smoot in 1882.
    Our honor club does a variety of school and community activities from tutoring in ELA to helping with the canned food drive and toy/clothing drive during the holidays to our annual book drive in March.   
    Club Officers:
    Congratulations to the following students for serving in leadership roles for the 2022-2023 year: 
Last Modified on September 16, 2024