Children Staying Home/Supervision Guidelines

  • Georgia's Guidelines for allowing children to stay home unsupervised:

    * Children under the age of 8 years old should NEVER be left alone, not even for short periods of time.

    * Children between the age of 9 - 12 years, based on their individual level of maturity, can be left home alone for brief periods (2 hours or less) of time.

    * Children under the age of 13, who exhibit an exceptional maturity level and have successfully completed a course on babysitting, may care for other children.

    * Children 13 years and older can usually be left as babysitters, with the exception of children in foster care.  It is not recommended that children 13 years old be left as babysitters of infants, small children and children with special medical needs.

    Things to consider if you are leaving your children, 9 years and older, home unsupervised:

    *Children should not use the stove for food preparation until of adequate age and maturity.

    *Have a neighbor or other adult check in regularly.

    * Discuss and practice safety plans, dialing 911, what to do if someone comes to the door, or if there is a fire or other emergency, etc.

Last Modified on October 21, 2019