• Scoliosis Screening for 7th and 8th graders is set for Tuesday, October 23rd

    Scoliosis screenings will take place during connections classes.



    ·         If you do not want your child to be screened for Scoliosis, you MUST fill out the Scoliosis Waiver.  Click here for a Spanish version of the waiver.

    ·         If interested in finding out more about how the Scoliosis Screening is going to work, please watch the video below and review the Powerpoint on Scoliosis.  [If the video does not play, try pulling it directly from YouTube be clicking here]

    ·         For Scoliosis Screening, female students may wear swimwear or sports bras under their tops.  Males will be asked to remove their shirts briefly during the screening.




    Last Modified on September 17, 2012