If you have any questions about gifted eligibility or services, please contact Melissa Sessa, the gifted department chair, at msessa@forsyth.k12.ga.us or 770-887-5248, ext 790422.

    During the 2013-2014 school year, the following Horizons classes will be offered to Otwell students:

    ·         6th grade - Social Studies, Science  (Advanced ELA & Math are offered but are not considered Horizons courses.)  

    ·         7th grade - English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics 

    ·         8th grade - English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics


    According to state regulations, students who have been identified as gifted receive at least 5 segments of gifted services, which equates to one class that meets everyday. We strive to meet each student's individual needs based on his or her strengths and talents.

    As we serve students, we use the Advanced Content model. Gifted students are homogeneously grouped on the basis of achievement and interest in a specific academic content area. Students who are not eligible for gifted services but who have demonstrated exceptional ability and motivation in a particular content area may be included in these classes.



    Testing for Grades 6-12 (2013-2014)


    September: Testing of students who were referred in the spring of 2013 and transfer students from out of state*

    September 16 - October 17: Testing of all students referred by the Gifted Evaluation Team

    March 3 - March 25: Testing of students who transfer from out of state*


    *Transfer students from out of state must have official documentation of former gifted program eligibility before they will be referred to the Gifted Evaluation Team. 


    In compliance with Georgia Department of Education Rule 160-4-2.38, evaluation data for all students referred is gathered in four areas, Mental Ability, Achievement, Creativity, andMotivation. To ensure equal access to gifted education services, evaluation measures for all students are as follows:

    Mental Ability - Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
    Achievement - Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS, grades K-8)
    Creativity - Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT, grades 4-12)
    Motivation - Grade Point Average (GPA, >Top 10%, grades 6-12)

    Additional follow-up evaluation may be requested by eligibility teams based on special circumstances and/or specific individual need as indicated by the initial evaluation results.

    Option A:  Student meets the eligible composite scores for both mental ability and achievement.

    Data is still collected on each student in the areas of motivation and creativity.

    Mental Ability


    K- 2nd : 99th percentile on composite or full scale score of a standardized test of mental ability (CogAT)

    3rd -12th: 96th percentile on composite or full scale score of a standardized test of mental ability (CogAT)

    K-12: 90th percentile, by age or grade, on total reading, total math or total battery score of a standardized achievement test

    (ITBS or ITED)

    Option B:  Student must meet criteria in three of the four areas; mental ability, achievement, creativity, or motivation to qualify.

    Mental Ability




    96th percentile, by age, on a composite or full scale score or appropriate component score of a standardized test of mental ability.


    90th percentile on total reading, total math or total battery score of a standardized achievement test


    90th percentile on the total battery of a standardized test of creativity

    (K-3, GIFT)

    (4-12, TTCT)

    90th percentile on a standardized characteristics rating score (motivational)

    (K-3, GES-2)

    (4-5, CAIMI)

    (6-12, GPA, top 10%, currently >3.75 in FCS)


    Last Modified on August 6, 2013