Information Systems
  • Private School Reporting 
    Georgia law (O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690) provides “within 30 days after the beginning of each school year, it shall be the duty of the administrator of each private school to provide to the school superintendent of each local public school district which has residents enrolled in the private school a list of the name, age, and residence of each resident so enrolled. At the end of each school month, it shall be the duty of the administrator of each private school to notify the school superintendent of each local public school district of the name, age, and residence of each student residing in the public school district who enrolls or terminates enrollment at the private school during the immediately preceding school month."
    The Student Information Systems Department starts contacting private schools in August requesting student information. When sending, please use the Georgia Department of Education's form (DE Form 1111) to list the required fields.
     Instructions are listed below:
     1. Download the state's private school report: FY2021 DE1111 GaDOE Form
     2. Enter all of the student information into the requested fields.
     3. Email (with your school's name in the subject line) or mail your completed form to:

            Student Information Systems 
            Attn:  Mary Cochran, Student Information Support Specialist
            1140 Dahlonega Hwy
            Cumming, GA 30040
            Phone: 678-947-0863, ext. 205013