- Sawnee Elementary
- Think First & Stay Safe: Child Abuse Prevention
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We all share a common goal for our children to be safe and protected from all things harmful. Related to that goal, school counselors are required to present annual personal safety lessons designed to prevent sexual abuse. The Think First & Stay Safe™ program is a research-based program that teaches specific personal safety education by way of interactive classroom lessons, classroom posters, role playing and corresponding activities. Think First & Stay Safe™ enables students to take an active and necessary role in protecting themselves from abuse and exploitation. A committee of professional school counselors reviewed the program and selected components that were developmentally appropriate for elementary students and developed lessons around those concepts.
Students are introduced to Think First & Stay Safe™ with the assurance that it is the job of grown-ups to help kids stay healthy and safe. In addition, our young learners are taught they already possess a powerful tool that can also help with safety- their brain. Students are taught the importance of kindness and respect. They will learn to recognize sunny vs. “stormy” behaviors, talk about safe vs. not safe touching and choose grown-ups who can help them with their safety.
Please contact your child's school counselor f you have any questions:
Savannah Shivers, MEd
Kindergarten and 1st Grade 770.887.6161 ext. 772104
Deana Brown, EdD
Second and Fourth Grades
770.887.6161 ext. 771285
Mae Soles, MEd, NCC
Third and Fifth Grades
770.887.6161 ext. 770223
School counselors will offer abuse prevention and safety lessons to all K-5 students starting in October 2023. The plan for Forsyth includes: the key concepts taught at all grade levels; each grade reviews what was learned in the previous grade(s) and then learns additional lures or tricks of which to be aware. Specifics are provided below:
Grade Level: Key Concepts:
My Brain, Kindness, Trusted Adults, Lures, My Body Belongs to Me, Laws Help Protect Me, All Secrets Can Be Told, The Siren in My Belly, I Am Special, Abuse is Never A Child’s Fault
My Brain, Kindness and Respect, Trusted Adults, My Body Belongs to Me, Laws Help Protect Me, All Secrets Can Be Told, The Siren in My Belly, Bullying and Abuse are Not a Child’s Fault
Review of previous Key Concepts plus: Safe and Healthy Boundaries, Affection Lure, Kindness, Promoting Tolerance, Bullying Prevention, Assistance Lure, Pet Lure, Authority Lure
Review of previous Key Concepts plus: Emergency Lure, Games Lure, Name Lure, Friendship Lure, Threats & Weapons Lure, e-Lure
Review of previous Key Concepts plus: Affection Lure, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, Bribery Lure, Ego/Fame Lure, Hero Lure
If you would like to review the full website, please visit Parent Training Modules | Child Lures® Prevention (childluresprevention.com). The password is 4par3nts. However, please be aware that more information is provided on the website than is actually used in Forsyth County Schools.
If you prefer that your child not participate in the sexual abuse and safety prevention lessons, please write and sign a note indicating your preferences and send it to your child’s teacher or school counselor. As always, counselors are available to discuss any concerns you might have. Unless written documentation is received, your child will participate in the sexual abuse prevention and safety lessons.