• 2025 DeSana Middle School 

     Track & Field

    Track and Field tryouts for the upcoming season will be held Monday-Thursday, February 10-13, from 4:45-5:15 pm. We will meet in the gym and then move outside, weather permitting. Your student athlete must be a current 7th grade student or 8th grade student to participate. There must be a physical file uploaded to dragonfly to be able to participate in tryouts. Instructions on how to upload a physical are located in the physicals tab under athletics (DragonFly link is listed below). If you have any questions about this year's track and field team, please email Coach Robinson.


    Important Links:

    DragonFly Instructions

    FCMS Track and Field Rules and Guidelines


    Coach contact:

    Joey Robinson jrobinson@forsyth.k12.ga.us

    Assistant Coaches:

    Desana Track Parent Handbook