• TedEd
    Club Sponsor: 
    Carina Jimenez - cjimenez@forsyth.k12.ga.us
    Room 1896

    Club Overview: 
    This club meets every other Wednesday in Room 1896 (mostly in the morning at 7:45 but also afternoons).
    At Lambert, we focus on honing our public speaking skills and making a difference within our communities through focusing on our TEDEd Event, where select members are given the opportunity to present and publish an official TED Talk through our annual TEDEd event. Throughout the year, we explore current events and meaningful topics that members are passionate about, in addition to building presentational and writing skills.
    TEDEd is an organization that promotes learning by creating a global public speaking platform for students interested in developing presentation literacy skills and honoring innovative leadership. Students will get the opportunity to share their stories, ideas, and presentations with the entire world at TEDEd!


    Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2PG_R4wl-0

    Connect with us on Instagram @lhsteded


    Club Sponsor: Mrs. Carina Jimenez

    Club Officers:

    President: Nandhitha Udayakumar

    Vice Presidents: Lucia Newton & Rachna Murugala

    Secretary: Benjamin Weiss

    Historian/Marketing Managers: Yeonwoo Lee & Janahan Murali

    Editors: Aishu Meyyappan & Priyanka Bose




Last Modified on August 23, 2024