• Gifted

    The gifted program in Forsyth County, recognizes the diverse needs of children by designing a differentiated curriculum targeted to student strengths, needs, and interests. The curriculum consists of many varied units of study that are typically interdisciplinary in scope encompassing a variety of instructional strategies and products. This differentiated curriculum takes into account different learning styles of all students while concentrating on higher order thinking skills, risk-taking, curiosity, and interpersonal relationships.

    Students in the Gifted Program at Brandywine are served in two ways. First, they are pulled from their regular classrooms and they meet with the gifted teacher in a resource room at least once a week. Next, the gifted teacher and the classroom teacher collaborate to arrive at suitable assignments that will challenge the gifted students to go “above and beyond.” Creating a supportive environment permits students to develop a sense of self-worth, a desire for excellence, and an individual commitment to the school, the community, and the ever-changing society.

    Brandywine Elementary Gifted program objectives are to encourage, challenge, and develop:
    • creativity
    • an appreciation of the arts
    • critical thinking skills
    • a positive self-concept
    • communication skills
    • independent, self-directed learners
    • the pursuit for excellence
    • use of problem solving skills
    • use of advanced technological resources
    • sensitivity and understanding of others
    • organizational, study and research skills

    Identification and Placement of Students in the Gifted Program in all Georgia Schools

    Referral:The first step for entrance into the gifted program, a referral, may come from teachers, administrators, parents, others or as a result of system wide testing. At this time the local school Gifted Evaluation Team will review the referral to determine if evaluation for the gifted program is appropriate.

    Evaluation:Following receipt of written parental consent, the local school evaluates the student’s mental ability, achievement, creativity and motivation through the use of standardized tests and non-test instruments.

    Eligibility:The Gifted Evaluation Team studies the relevant information and evaluation data about the referred student. The Team then makes recommendations for the student’s educational program, which may include placement in the gifted program. Eligibility requirements for the gifted program are determined by the state of Georgia.

    Transfer Students: A student already participating in a gifted education program in Georgia will most likely be transferred into Forsyth County’s Gifted program. However, the Gifted Evaluation Team will review all transfer student records and other educational characteristics before making a placement recommendation. Gifted students from out of state MUST meet Georgia’s requirements for placement in the Gifted program. Parents should notify the school that their child was previously participating in a gifted program when registering their child.

    Websites Related to Gifted Education:
     www.nagc.org National Association for Gifted Children
    www.gagc.org Georgia Association for Gifted Children
    www.nsgt.org National Society for the Gifted & Talented

    Websites for Parents of Gifted Children:

    Frequently Asked Questions About Gifted 


    Help! I think my child might be gifted. What can I do?