• Teaching and Learning Department

    World Languages


    Grades K-12 World Language Content Specialist
    Dr. Melanie Dunn 
    770.887.2461 ext. 202249


    Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Programs at Brandywine, Cumming, Kelly Mill, and Mashburn Elementary Schools


    Why World Languages?

    Students that want to be competitive in a global workforce will need to possess a new set of skills. Understanding international perspectives, developing regional expertise and cross-cultural competence as well as advanced language proficiency are no longer skills reserved only for those who plan for a career overseas - they are skills that will enhance any career choice in Forsyth County, Georgia and the United States. World Languages support the nurturing of successful students that are comfortable working in diverse international teams that can interact effectively with people from different cultures and communicate in at least two languages.

    Why Study ASL?

    Why Study French?

    Why Study German?

    Why Study Italian?

    Why Study Latin?

    Why Study Russian?

    Why Study Spanish?


    Georgia Performance Standards 


    World Languages Course Sequence


    French/ German

    ASL/ Italian/ Russian



    Spanish Native Speakers





    Level 1

    Native Speakers 1


    Level 1

    Level 1

    Level 1

    Level 2

    Native Speakers 2


    Level 2 or

    Level 2/3 Block

    Level 2

    Level 2

    Level 3 or

    Level ¾ Block

    Native Speakers 3


    Level 3/

    Level 4

    Level 3

    Level 3

    Level 4/

    AP Language & Culture/

    Level 5/

    IB Year 1 (SFHS only)

    Workplace Spanish (FCHS only)

    AP Language & Culture/

    IB Year 1 (SFHS only)

    Workplace Spanish (FCHS only)


    Level 4/

    AP French Language & Culture/ AP German Language & Culture

     Level 4

    Level 4/

    AP Latin Vergil/

    IB Latin SL/HL (SFHS only)

    Level 5

    AP Literature/

    IB Year 2 (SFHS only)

    Advanced Workplace Spanish (FCHS only)

    AP Literature

    IB Year 2 (SFHS only)

    Advanced Workplace Spanish (FCHS only)

    Note: All classes may not be offered at all Forsyth County high schools.


    World Languages Offered at FCS High Schools:

    Alliance Academy for Innovation: German, Spanish

    Denmark High School: French, Italian, Spanish

    East Forsyth High School: ASL, French, Latin, Spanish

    Forsyth Central High School: ASL, German, Spanish

    Lambert High School: French, Latin, Spanish

    North Forsyth High School: French, Russian, Spanish

    South Forsyth High School: French, German, Latin, Spanish

    West Forsyth High School: Latin, Spanish


    For more information on the World Languages curriculum or Dual Language Immersion please contact:


    Dr. Melanie Dunn
    770-887-2461 ext. 202249