- DeSana Middle
- Overview
Welcome to the DeSana ELA Department!
As an English Language Arts Department, we follow a strong, cohesive curriculum with individualized units that build upon each student’s knowledge and understanding of the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). The 6th- 8th grade ELA curriculum builds upon the standards students mastered the previous year. At Desana, we utilize vertical alignment between each grade level team to support and deepen the students’ understanding of these standards for their reading, writing, and grammar skills. We encourage our students to read independently and think critically. Our goal is to also prepare our students for high school by teaching them the communication skills necessary to engage and become collaborative learners. We also hold 3 competitions throughout the year that allow students to demonstrate their acquisition of writing, vocabulary, and speaking skills: Young Georgia Authors, Spelling Bee, and Oratorical.
Reading Skills Across Grade Levels Include:
- Active Reading: Engaging with the text through annotation, questioning, and summarizing.
- Textual Analysis: Analyzing and interpreting various forms of texts to understand deeper meanings.
- Textual Connections: Making connections between texts and real-world contexts or personal experiences.
- Critical Thinking: Developing analytical skills and the ability to evaluate texts critically.
- Reading Fluency: Improving reading fluency through practice and varied reading materials.
Writing Skills Across Grade Levels Include:
- Voice and Style: Developing a distinctive writing voice and style appropriate to different genres and purposes.
- Audience Awareness: Understanding and addressing the needs and expectations of various audiences.
- Research Integration: Conducting research and integrating findings into writing to support claims and provide context.
- Self-Assessment: Reflecting on and assessing one’s own writing for strengths and areas for improvement.
6th Grade Team:
- Gina Masson GIMasson@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 491138
- Addy Ostrowski f45271@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 491113
- Julia Snow f39911@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 491124
- Ellen Rambo f29677@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 491117
7th Grade Team:
- Erin Bright f37836@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 492116
- Jordan Brown jbrown77@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 492134
- Autumn Edmonston f43232@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 492138
- Kelsey Hardeman f41346@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 492101
8th Grade Team:
- Katie Hilton f38197@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 492245
- Peyton Rich f41974@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 492231
- Kris Wehner KWehner@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 492204
- Jennifer Williamson f41149@forsyth.k12.ga.us ext. 492220