• CC

     Camp Coal is designed to provide a safe, nurturing, and enjoyable environment for CMES students from dismissal until 6:00pm on the days that students attend school.

     Activities include homework time/assistance, recreational sports, free play, movie time, and arts/crafts.  A snack will be provided; however, students may also bring additional snacks if they prefer.

    Registration for 2024-2025 requires several steps:

    1. Complete the 2024-2025 Online Registration Form. Completion of this form prior to August 1, 2024 will secure your child a spot in our after school program for the 2024-2025 school year. 
    2. The payment portal (www.schoolpay.com) will open mid July. Yearly registration payment and tuition for August can be paid at that time. 


    2024-2025 Tuition Rates 
    Yearly Registration Rates: $60/per child
    1st child: $280/monthly 
    2nd child: $240/monthly
    FCSS Employee Rate: $140/monthly 
    Emergency Attendance Rate: $30/daily  

    We do not offer part-time or "drop in" options.
    Operating hours are from dismissal until 6pm on days that FCSS is in session.


    Helpful Links

    Camp Coal Parent Handbook

    Help with School Pay (the online payment platform)

    Tax Information


    Please contact our After-School Director Mesha Anderson (mnanderson@forsyth.k12.ga.us) for questions regarding after-school care for the 2024-2025 school year. 


    Camp Coal is not managed by Coal Mountain Elementary School Administration.