• Tips for a successful transition from summer to school:

    Establish a weekly routine. Limit time with technology and t.v. and set a regular reading time.

    Get children in the habit of getting ready the night before school. Set out clothes, pack lunch and put the backpack by the front door.

    Establish bed times for school nights. Children in elementary school need 10-11 hours of sleep each night.

    Keep a large family calendar. Mark each family member’s activities in a different colored pen and keep it in a location that all family members can see.

    Make a plan for after school activities. Schedule adequate time for homework, play, sports, and rest.


    Have a backup plan. Connect with another parent or neighbor who can help in case of a morning or afternoon emergency.

    Spruce up a study space for your child. Children work best at a desk or table.  Make sure it is well-lighted and free from distractions.


    Consider creating a "Homework Survival Kit." This is a box or drawer with all the basic school supplies.  Use the beginning of the year supply list and buy a set of everything to be kept at home.  Keeping it all in one place helps everyone know where it is and no time is lost looking for a needed item.

    Set up a file for school papers. Place all school notices in it so you don’t misplace them.