• 12th Grade Info

Welcome to the Senior Information Webpage!
We hope you find the information on this page helpful.
Also, be sure to visit our LHS Counseling Course page on itsLearning
for information and updates.

  • 2024 Presentations:

    Graduation Information:

    Registration Info:

    College Application Resources 

    College Application Resources

    Please click on the link above to view a page with college application resources! 

    Senior Brag Sheet

    Please complete the Senior Brag Sheet to assist your Counselor and teachers with your recommendation letters and Secondary School Reports.

    Senior Brag Sheet

    Transcript Requests

    Current students must create an account and submit transcript requests on the following link: https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/195300/account. Please utilize the Parchment website for ALL transcript requests.

    Former students must submit transcript requests on the following link: https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/28694843/account

    Important Reminder: Counselors will NOT begin processing transcripts until Sept. 15th. There is a 3-week turnaround time for transcript/recommendation requests. Counselors and Teachers are not required to complete a recommendation by the deadline if the requests are turned in late. If required materials are not turned in by the Transcript and Letter of Rec deadline, processing of the application may be delayed.

    College Application Deadline

    Request Letter of Rec By:

    October 15th

    September 24th

    November 1st

    October 11th

    December 1st

    November 10th

    December 31st - January 1st

    November 10th

    February 1st

    January 11th

    March 1st

    February 8th


    GPA Calculator

    This calculator is a tool to help you estimate your grade point average. Click on the link below to access the calculator and follow the direction at the top of the spreadsheet.  Please note that colleges and HOPE utilize different forms of GPA calculations. Please contact individual colleges and/or gafutures.org for college and HOPE GPA formulas.

    GPA Calculator


    College Visits

    We know that many parents and students are interested in visiting colleges on their own. Juniors are given four days which count as field trips to make these school visits throughout the year. Juniors must print out the College Visit Form and get the required signatures from their teachers, counselor, and principal before they go on the trip in order for it to count as an excused absence. They must also get a signature from someone at the college during the visit and turn the completed form into the Lambert attendance office when they return. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact your child's counselor.

    NCAA Eligibility

    In order to participate in college athletics and receive athletically based financial aid, you must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center and meet academic and amateurism eligibility standards. In order to register with the eligibility center, you must have a valid U.S. Social Security Number and pay a $60 eligibility center fee. Please visit the NCAA Eligibility website for more information. 

    Below is a list of steps to take during your senior year to make sure you are eligible to participate in college athletics.

    • When taking the ACT or SAT, request test scores to be sent to the eligibility center (the code is " 9999 ").
    • Complete amateurism questionnaire and sign the final authorization signature on-line on or after April 1 if you are expecting to enroll in college in the fall semester. (If you are expecting to enroll for spring semester, sign the final authorization signature on or after October 1 of the year prior to enrollment.)
    • Send a final transcript with proof of graduation to the eligibility center.

    Career Pathway Completer Seal and Medallion Requirements

     In order to receive recognition for career pathway completion at graduation and/or on a diploma, please visit the following link for the requirements and deadlines: https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/Page/53924

    HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarship

    Information regarding the Hope/Zell Miller Scholarship is available on the GAFutures website here: https://www.gafutures.org/hope-state-aid-programs/hope-zell-miller-scholarships/


    Dual Enrollment

    Information regarding dual enrollment can be found on the Dual Enrollment page, or click HERE


    Follow the Lambert Counseling Department for important articles, college admissions advice and study tips!


Last Modified on December 17, 2024