• Records of students who withdrew prior to 5-22-2020 or graduated prior to 2021 may by requested from the Student Records Center (678-947-0863, ext. 5 or https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/page/1514).  


    Important Reminder: Counselors will NOT begin processing transcripts until Sept. 15th. There is a 3-week turnaround time for transcript/recommendation requests. Counselors and Teachers are not required to complete a recommendation by the deadline if the requests are turned in late. If the required materials are not turned in by the Transcript and Letter of Rec deadline, processing of the application may be delayed.


    College Application Deadline

    Request Letter of Rec By:

    October 15th

    September 15th

    November 1st

    October 6th

    December 1st

    November 3rd

    December 31st - January 1st

    November 17th

    February 1st

    January 12th

    March 1st

    February 8th

Last Modified on March 13, 2022