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  • Welcome to the DHS Media Center Research Tools Page! 

    Thank you for visiting the DHS Media Center Research Tools Page!  Here in the DHS Media Center, we are dedicated to helping students develop the information literacy skills necessary for postsecondary education.  

    This page is designed to serve as an "after hours" extension of the Media Center, so please use the links to access information about research, databases, MLA citations,  tech tools, and other useful tools that will help you.  Need help?  Stop by to see us . . . we are here for you!  We can't wait to see you!



    Web Site Contents

  • MC Information -Visit this page to view hours of operation,  policies and procedures.  

    Good Reads - Looking for a good book to read?  Visit this page to check out the new GA Peach Award books, view book trailers, and access over 30 personalized booklists based on student interests.  We also have several free ebook links on this page. 
    Research/MLA/Databases - Writing a big paper?  This should be your first stop!  Visit this page for MLA and research help as well as handy links to help you get that good grade!  Also, check out our new Scrible Tutorial Page where you can learn how to use this new software that will make research so much easier!

    Copyright - Confused about what you can and can not do when it comes to reports, teaching materials or presentations?  Visit this page to learn about copyright laws

    College and Careers: Are you starting to think about college?  Visit this page for helpful links and tips. 
    Tech Toolbox:  Visit this page to access an extensive list Web 2.0, apps and free web tools for both teachers and students. 

    Tutorials -  Visit this page for videos and documents explaining step-by-step processes for various technologies. Student handouts available. 

    Teacher Webquests and Pathfinders - Visit this page to see the over 30 webquests. pathfinders, and over web activities available for different teachers. If you are a teacher and would like a personalized webquest, pathfinder or LibGuide then just e-mail Joni Gilman with the details and standards that you would like covered in your webquest.

    Test Prep: Are you getting ready for the SAT, ACT, Gateway, AP or other test? Need help with the writing process? Visit this page to find helpful test-prep and study skill resources to help you prepare.  Don't forget that we have test-prep books and ebooks in our library that you can check out.

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    We value your opinion. Please complete this feedback survey and help us improve our media center.