What is it?
The Honors Mentorship Program is an instructional mentor program where a student has an opportunity to mentor in the field/career of interest that they are passionate about.
Why should I be part of the Honors Mentorship Program?
- Being part of this program is a great addition to your college applications.
- This mentorship program will introduce you to career skills in the field.
- We believe this program will help you to differentiate yourself when applying for college and future job opportunities.
- We believe this program will help you determine if this is the field/career you want to continue, as well as, develop contacts (networking) for future job opportunities.
Who can apply?
We encourage any intellectually gifted or artistically talented rising 11th and 12th grade students who desire a challenging, enriching, and career-based mentorship opportunity to apply. Student MUST be highly motivated and mature to be accepted in to the program.
What is the application process?
After completing an application, students are selected for the program based on their abilities, aptitudes, and career goals. In addition, students are required to answer essay questions and include teacher and community member references. The selection committee will use all written evidence and data gathered in the application to make their selection.
What will I do in the Honors Mentorship Program and how will I be graded?
First, you will be paired with a mentor who is an expert and/or professional in the field/career of your choice. Once you have been paired, you will begin a mentorship that will occur 3-4 hours per week for a full school year. In addition, you will complete weekly assignments through itslearning. The majority of your grade will be from your capstone portfolio project, which you will be researching and working on during the school year and presenting at the end of the school year.
Do I actually come to class each day?
No. We will have monthly face to face meetings, but other than that you will do the majority of your assignments virtually through itslearning and your mentorship off-campus.
What fields/careers are offered in the Honors Mentorship Program?
We are currently offering any type of career fields. As long as we can find a community mentor for you to mentor with then the possibilities are endless!
What current field/careers are your students currently in?
Right now, we have or have had students in:
*Medical field:
-Family Practice
-Women's Services (labor,NICU,etc)
-Ophthalmology (eye/vision)
-Physical Therapy
-Sports Medicine
-Orthotic & Prosthetic
-Occupational Therapy
*Speech Pathology
*Biotech (biomedical science)
*Personal Training
*Veterinarian Science
*Language Interpreting
*Journalism (editing/publishing)
*Non-Profit Organizations
*Media (blogging/social media)
*Graphic Design
*Business Management
*Environmental Engineering
*Electrical Engineering
*Music Industry
*Social Services