• Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA): The school is required by CIPA to have technology measures and
    policies in place that protect students from harmful materials including those that are obscene and pornographic.
    Any harmful content contained within inappropriate sites will be blocked.

    Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA): COPPA applies to commercial companies and limits
    their ability to collect personal information from children under 13years of age. No personal student information
    is collected for commercial purposes.

    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): FERPA protects the privacy of student education
    records and gives parents the right to review records. Under FEPRA, schools may disclose directory
    information in certain circumstances.

    Forsyth County Schools Board Policies:Policy JR - Student Records:

    Policy - IFBGE Internet Safety:

    In some cases, schools are permitted to consent to the collection of personal information on behalf of parents of
    students, thereby eliminating the need for individual parental consent given directly to the website operator.
    However, for these websites/apps, parent permission is needed. As a result, Forsyth County Schools is
    providing you with this notice to provide the needed parent permission .