• Welcome to FCHS HOSA

    Mission Statement

    HOSA is open to all students at FCHS.

    FCHS HOSA goal is to promote and educate students in the realm of healthcare.  To develop compassionate, caring and knowledgeable students in the understanding of current health care issues, environmental concerns, and survival needs of the community, the nation and the world. 

    "You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you’ll win, no matter what the outcome."
    Patch Adams.

    For more information about HOSA

    Georgia HOSA

    National HOSA


    • To Join FCHS HOSA

      You MUST complete the following items:

      1.  Fill out the HOSA membership form by 11/1/2024.

      2.   Pay your dues ($35.00) via School Pay (closes 11/1/2024)

      3. Once the 2 steps are done, you will be registered into the HOSA CANVAS course within 7–9 days.

      If you have completed all the above steps and have not been added to the Canvas course, please see Mrs. Hixson in room 225. 

      After the deadline, anyone not completing ALL items will NOT be allowed to participate.

    • Communication will be through a HOSA Group in CANVAS

       You must complete the membership form and have paid dues before you gain access to CANVAS.

      All messages and documentation will be via CANVAS.

Last Modified on October 1, 2024