• NTHS Logo


    2023-2024 information coming soon!

    2022-2023 AAI NTHS Information can be located on:

    NTHS 2022-2023 PowerPoint Overview

    NTHS 2022-2023 Application - Juniors ONLY, due to any CTSO Advisor or Mrs. Jager by September 9, 2022.  Be sure to print and attach unofficial transcript from Infinite Campus.

    Seniors who joined last year are still members and simply need to complete the service/participation credits and Dress for Success credits this Fall.  Your CTSO Advisor will distribute your Fall Tracker to you





    Lead NTHS Advisor:

    Janice Kochevar, jkochevar@forsyth.k12.ga.us 

    All CTAE teachers are co-advisors 


    Club Overview: 

    The nationally recognized Honor Society for students taking Career & Technical Education classes who demonstrate excellence in their studies and who are involved in activities that support our community.


    The purpose of Alliance's NTHS chapter is to unify and promote the high- achieving students enrolled in all CTE courses and their respective co-curricular organizations: DECA, FBLA, FIRST, HOSA, SkillsUSA, TSA.

    The National Technical Honor Society Official Website


    Why Join NTHS:

    •  You will receive the NTHS honors cord, membership certificate, official pin, window decal, white graduation cap tassel and an official NTHS honors seal on your diploma.
    • NTHS membership is required to earn a medallion in pathway completion.
    • NTHS is respected by business, industry and education as an organization that fosters scholastic achievements, skill development, leadership, responsibility, and good character. 
    • Membership adds value and prestige to your resume and portfolio
    • You will meet people with similar goals and interests
    • What is Required for Membership (to earn NTHS honors cord)
      • Juniors only may apply (Seniors this year ONLY may apply with CTSO advisor approval) 
      • Students with a Cumulative 3.0+ GPA
      • Students who maintain an 85% average in all CTE classes
      • Membership in your area of study's CTSO (DECA, FBLA, FIRST, HOSA, SkillsUSA, TSA)
      • Students who earn 4 service credits a semester through CTSO involvement
      • Remain an active member until graduation


    Members pay a one time membership fee of $55 on www.mypaymentsplus.com          


    Applications are available above and through CTSO advisors. Please see below:

    DECA: Joan Irwin

    FBLA: Jennifer Crowder, Wendy Martin

    FIRST: Darren Rager

    HOSA: Janice Kochevar, Greg Erdely, Julie Smith

    SkillsUSA: Stephanie Pickens, Barry Phillips, Larry Nix

    TSA: Chris Webb


    NTHS Applications are due by September 9, 2022 to any CTSO Advisor or Mrs. Kochevar 



    Join GroupMe - AAI NTHS 22-23


    Service credit opportunities are determined per individual CTSO.



    Note to parents: There will not necessarily be an advisor or sponsor present at events where your child is volunteering unless it is a DECA, FBLA, FIRST, HOSA, SkillsUSA or TSA sponsored event. Please be cognizant of this.