

    Vice President: 



    Social Media Chair: 

    Executive Board Members: 


    Beta Club Sponsor: 

    Dr. Brandy Kinlaw   f24689@forsyth.k12.ga.us 

    Ms. Carly Nordholz cnordholz@forsyth.k12.ga.us 



    Club Overview: 

    National Beta Club is the largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization in America. And for more than 80 years, it has prepared today's students to be tomorrow's leaders.

    National Beta Club Website


    Requirements to Join: 

    You must currently be in 10th or 11th grade.

    You must have a minimum 3.5 GPA (or higher).

    You must complete at least 8 recorded community service hours by the end of the year.

    You must pay the $30 enrollment fee.

    You must maintain your GPA and complete your service hours in order to remain a valid member of National Beta Club!


    Be sure to give our Instagram a follow!  @aai_beta





    Note to parents: There will not necessarily be an advisor or sponsor present at events where your child is volunteering unless it is a DECA, FBLA, FIRST, HOSA, SkillsUSA or TSA sponsored event. Please be cognizant of this.