Teaching & Learning
- About
- Teaching and Learning Staff Directory
- GA Academic Standards
- Instructional Resources
- Instructional Framework
- Elementary Report Card Information
- High School Course Digest
- Academics
- GA Academic Standards
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Fine Arts
- World Languages
- Health and Physical Education
- CTAE/College & Career Development
- Academic Competitions
- Advanced Placement
- Driver's Education
- Dual Language Immersion
- Gifted Education
- Governor's Honors Program
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Online Courses
- Summer Programs
- Assessment
- Continuous Improvement
- Federal and State Programs
- Professional Learning
- Parents' Bill of Rights
- Research Study Requirements
Instructional Framework
Why the Instructional Framework?
The Forsyth County Schools’ Instructional Framework creates a common vision, provides consistent expectations, and promotes a collaborative learning environment. The framework’s cycle for teaching and learning ensures equity through relevant and meaningful learning experiences for all. Our Instructional Framework embodies the mission and vision of the district and supports the Learner Profile, capturing the best of what we do every day.