• Class of 2024

    Click below for instructions on how to register your student for online summer courses. 


    Forsyth Virtual Academy and GA Virtual Academy Course Registration Instructions


    There is no recommendation to take these courses over the summer; however, if you choose to do this there is a protocol that must be followed in order to receive credit for the course. If you choose to take these state REQUIRED courses over the summer it is your responsibility to bring the transcript for each course to your high school. The parent of the student MUST sign the transcript stating, “as the parent of ______ student I understand that once we submit this transcript it is permanently recorded and cannot be removed for any reason.” NOTE: STUDENTS WILL NOT BE GUARANTEED AN ELECTIVE CHOICE BECAUSE THEY DECIDED TO TAKE THESE COURSES DURING THE SUMMER. ELECTIVES WILL BE CHOSEN BASED ON SEAT AVAILABILITY

Last Modified on March 3, 2020