
    Looking for the perfect job?


    Why Don’t YOU Drive a School Bus?




    *Be part of a nationally respected and admired school system!

    *Work the days YOUR students are in school!

    *You’ll have summer and school holidays off!

    *Part-time work! Full-time benefits!! Excellent pay!!

    *Free training!!


    To apply visit Forsyth County Schools Webpage at www.forsyth.k12.ga.us click on "Employment" at the top of the page.

    Then choose "Employment – Application Process and Instructions" on the left of the page.

    Next click on "Forsyth County Schools Online Application".

    Now choose "Transportation" again on the left side of the screen.

    Finally, start your application by clicking "Apply" in the midway up the right side.


    For More Information call Sylvia Anderson at 770-888-1234 extension 220126


Last Modified on June 9, 2020