• Indian cultural society

    Club Sponsor:  Ms. Pamala Seeley

    Club Overview: 
    Indian Cultural Society’s sole purpose is to spread Indian culture through social events, interactive activities, and giving back to the community. This club reaches out to many in Lambert and is open to everyone. We will do hands-on activities that will give back to the community, meet others and create bonds that will be unbreakable. We also plan on having a Garba night, Diwali night, and Indian night!
    Club Meeting Times:
    First Wednesday morning of every month, the first meeting is Sept. 7th at 7:45am in Ms. Weng's room 1212
    Club Activities or Events:
    We will have informal hang-outs throughout the year. The three main events will be Garba night , Diwali night, and Indian night. To help fund these events, we will need the club members to fully participate and engage with fundraisers. In addition, we will participate in giving back to our Lambert community by doing food drives and community service. 

    Join via our GroupMe: https://web.groupme.com/join_group/88426167/pU8GyCwH  

    Follow us on Instagram @Lambert_ICS:  https://instagram.com/lambert_ics?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 

    President – Riya Shah

    If interested in being in the club fill out this form and it will also have an option to apply to be a board member! https://forms.gle/17DV8maKPosM6GPF8.


Last Modified on May 22, 2023