Geography Club

Geography Bee
  • Sponsor: Trey Frilot

    Description: Students will  prepare to compete in Riverwatch's Geography Bee. The student who winds the Riverwatch Geographic Bee will have the opportunity to qualify for the state level geography bee. 

    Why should I join the club?

    • Increase your knowledge and awareness of the world. Go above and beyond what you learn in Social Studies class to gain an in-depth knowledge of World Geography.
    • Participate in discussions about geography, games, and mock geographic bees with your peers at monthly geographic bee club meetings. 
    • Compete for the opportunity to represent your school on the state and even national level.
    • The Riverwatch Geographic Bee winner will be elegible to compete in the Georgia Geographic Bee held at Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville, GA. 
    • The Georgia winner will be invited to National Geographic headquarters in late May to compete in the national finals for scholarships in the amount of U.S. $25,000, $15,000 and $10,000. 

    Time/Location: TBD

    Meeting dates: TBD

    Cost: TBD

    Physical: Not Required

    Registrations:  More information to follow.

    Additional Information: