Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"


    Speech and Debate Club

    What do we Do?

    We compete in state events from October to January.

    Debate Events:  Lincoln-Douglas Debate and Public Forum

    Speech Events:  Dramatic Interpretation / Extemporaneous / Impromptu / And More

    Club Sponsor:  Mike Yeager

    Email: myeager@forsyth.k12.ga.us

    Room 2256

    Meeting Times:  Flex Time (A and B) on Wednesdays

    Questions:  Contact Mr. Yeager or come to a meeting!!


    Tentative Competitions 2024-25

    Johns Creek (10/4-5)

    Northview (10/12)

    Midtown (12/7)

    1st/2nd Year Championship (1/17-18) - depending on location

    North Georgia District Tournament (1/31-2/1) - depending on location