car rider
  • am

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    • Please enter the morning car line through the MAIN VCE entrance.  You will enter the parking lot and go right to move through the lot.  There will be a police officer at the entrance to direct traffic each day. 
    • Please DO NOT enter the morning car line through the shared VCMS/VCE entrance. Stay straight on Post Rd. and proceed to the VCE main entrance where the officer is located. 
    • Students need to be ready to exit the car by the time they approach staff member locations. Please, please make sure they have their backpacks, lunch boxes, water bottles, and any other belongings, and they are prepared to exit the car.
    • Students MUST exit the car on the passenger side and open and close their own door.
    • Parents/guardians MUST remain in the car at all times.  There is a lot of moving traffic and this is for everyone's safety.
    • If you are releasing your student near the front of the school, please be sure to pull all the way forward, as we have staff members located well beyond the front door entrance.
    • Students will enter the building via the closest open door and go directly to class.
    • Golf carts MUST follow the same traffic pattern that is expected of cars when entering and exiting the car line.



    Click to enlarge


    • Parents MUST have the current year's car tag in order to pick up their child(ren). 
    • If the person picking up does not have the car rider tag, they must park, wait until car rider line ends, and come into the building to show identification.  This is for your child's safety.
    • Enter the afternoon car rider line through the shared VCMS/VCE parking lot and turn left to move through the lot.
    • The main VCE entrance is EXIT ONLY during the afternoon car line.


    If further clarification is needed, please see the videos below.


    AM Car Rider

    PM Car Rider

    AM & PM Walkers

Last Modified on August 1, 2024