• Engineering & Technology

    Engineering & Technology
  • The Engineering  department introduces students to the foundational skills and concepts necessary in all fields of engineering.  Through hands-on problem-solving activities, students learn to work with various resources, technology, team members, to enhance creativity, application of science and math skills, and become more proficient in systemic troubleshooting.  
    Careers in engineering cover many fields, from aerospace, civil, electrical, mechanical, power and transportation fields. Students gain the skills necessary for advancement into the post-secondary education fields of engineering.  All Engineering students are provided the opportunity to compete in technology skill events at the region, state, national levels through the Technology Student Association.  SFHS also participates in competitive robotics in many different formats each year. 

Engineering & Technology Teachers

  • Last Name First Name Room Num. Phone Ext. Email Department Role Subjects
    Bender Laura 118 100118 labender@forsyth.k12.ga.us Career / Tech Teacher Engineering
    Hodges Travis 183 100183 thodges@forsyth.k12.ga.us Career / Tech Teacher Engineering

  • The Engineering & Technology pathway currently has 4 levels of courses, as listed below. However, only 3 courses are required to complete the pathway.  

Foundations of Engineering & Technology

  • Click here for the course syllabus.

    The Foundations of Engineering and Technology course prepares students to understand and apply technological concepts and processes that are the cornerstone for the high school technology program. Group and individual activities engage students in creating ideas, developing innovations, and engineering practical solutions. Technology content, resources, and laboratory/classroom activities apply student applications of science, mathematics, and other school subjects in authentic situations.

Survey of Engineering Concepts

  • Click here for the course syllabus.

    Engineering Concepts is the second course in the engineering pathway. This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of engineering. Students learn about areas of specialization within engineering and engineering design, and apply engineering tools and procedures as they complete hands-on instructional activities.

Application of Engineering & Technology

  • Click here for the course syllabus.

    This is the third course in the engineering pathway. Students have opportunities to apply engineering design as they develop a solution for a technological problem. Students use applications of mathematics and science to predict the success of an engineered solution and complete hands on activities with tools, materials, and processes as they develop working drawings and prototypes. Students that complete the pathway of courses take the End of Pathway test, a standardized test that demonstrates mastery of the key concepts of engineering.

Engineering Research & Design

  • Click here for the course syllabus.

    Engineering Research & Design is the fourth level engineering course at SFHS. This advanced course of study in the engineering field is only available for students who have completed the engineering pathway.  Students conduct research and/or design an engineering project.  Students sharpen their aptitude and expand their interest through experiences in the field of engineering.  The course enables them to make an informed career choice through the study, application and practice of mechanical, electrical and other engineering systems.  Projects will reinforce the application of communication, mathematics and science.  CAD program will be used extensively in this course to enable students to visualize, solve and report on complex design problems.

Student Organization for Engineering

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  • Promotional Video