• Marketing & Management

    Marketing & Management
  • This pathway will focus on managing the processes responsible for identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer requirements in a manner that is profitable for a business. Student skills include management and entrepreneurship, marketing, buying and merchandising, marketing communications and promotion, professional sales, marketing information management and research, channel management, global marketing, and internet/online marketing.

Marketing Teachers

  • Last Name First Name Room Num. Phone Ext. Email Department Role Subjects
    Heath Kristy 213 100213 kjheath@forsyth.k12.ga.us Career / Tech Teacher Marketing
    Urbanovitch Katie 240 100240 kurbanovitch@forsyth.k12.ga.us Career / Tech Teacher Marketing

Marketing Principles

  • Click here for the course syllabus.

    Marketing Principles addresses the ways in which marketing satisfies consumer and organizational needs and wants for products and services. Students develop an understanding of basic marketing concepts and the role of marketing and business. Students complete projects with area businesses.

Marketing and Entrepreneurship

  • Click here for the course syllabus.

    Marketing and Entrepreneurship is the second course in the Marketing and Management Career Pathway. Marketing and Entrepreneurship begins an in-depth and detailed study of marketing while also focusing on management with specific emphasis on small business ownership. Marketing and Entrepreneurship focuses on the role of the supervisor and examines the qualities needed to be successful.

Marketing Management

  • Click here for the course syllabus.

    Marketing Management is the third course in the Marketing and Management pathway. Students assume a managerial perspective by applying economic principles in marketing, analyzing operations' needs, examining channel management and financial alternatives, managing marketing information, pricing products and services, developing product/service planning strategies, promoting products and services, purchasing, and professional sales. This course also includes global marketing, where students analyze marketing strategies employed in the United States versus those employed in other countries.

Student Organization for Marketing

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