• Fashion Marketing

    Fashion Marketing
  • Students will be introduced to the retail industry including the fundamentals of fashion marketing, key marketing concepts essential to every business, types of businesses involved in the industry, and an array of career opportunities. Students will develop skills in such areas as fashion economics, marketing segmentation and target marketing, product selection and buying, and inventory system. The pathway will also help them develop skills necessary for managing pricing, visual merchandising, advertising, special promotions, professional sales, and customer service.

Marketing Teachers

  • Last Name First Name Room Num. Phone Ext. Email Department Role Subjects
    Heath Kristy 213 100213 kjheath@forsyth.k12.ga.us Career / Tech Teacher Marketing
    Urbanovitch Katie 240 100240 kurbanovitch@forsyth.k12.ga.us Career / Tech Teacher Marketing

Marketing Principles

  • Click here for the course syllabus.

    Marketing Principles addresses the ways in which marketing satisfies consumer and organizational needs and wants for products and services. Students develop an understanding of basic marketing concepts and the role of marketing and business. Students complete projects with area businesses.

Fashion, Merchandising, and Retailing Essentials

  • Click here for the course syllabus.

    Fashion, Merchandising and Retailing Essentials is the second course in the Fashion, Merchandising and Retail Management Pathway. This course introduces students to the retail industry, including the fundamentals of fashion marketing, key marketing concepts essential to every business, types of businesses involved in the industry, and an array of career opportunities. Students will develop skills in such areas as fashion economics, marketing segmentation and target marketing, product selection and buying, and inventory systems.

Advanced Fashion, Merchandising, and Retailing

  • Click here for the course syllabus.

    Advanced Fashion, Merchandising and Retailing is the third course in the Fashion, Merchandising and Retail Management Career Pathway and focuses on the application of knowledge and the performance of key skills required in a retail environment. Students will develop skills necessary for managing the following elements: pricing, visual merchandising, advertising, special promotions, professional sales, and customer service.

Student Organization for Marketing

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